Unlock Automation
When you bought your grain bin you were sold a TV without a remote. A truck without a steering wheel.
An iPhone without a settings menu. Robin Intelligence upgrades you to 2030.


Unleash intelligence with powerful, simple-click automation
Generate Automations. To run fans based on Dry, Cool, Rehydration targets
Custom Schedule. To run fans based on time windows you set based on your own intuitions
Run. To quickly kick on fans a predetermined amount of time for the day/week

Market leading grain science modeling with no-cables in sight
Advanced Grain Model. The industry leading grain science fused with the latest data science
Moisture Movements. Visualize changes in moisture and temperature across your bin
Time Machine. Playback the entire storage season in the click of a button
The best weather forecast model in the grain industry

Side-by-Side. View weekly fan automations and weekly weather all at once to nail aeration
Dynamic Scroll. Scroll across the week’s relative humidity and forecast with ease
Timeline View. Visualize locked-in automations vs recommended aeration
Grain risk gamified with alert thresholds and texts
The Greatest Alert. 95% of grain bins ONLY need to 24/7 track CO2 to satisfy risk alert needs
Simple Scenarios. Three text alert thresholds taken straight out of the grain science research
Keep it Flat. If CO2 spikes, run fans or core a load until it returns at. It’s as simple as that
Keep tabs on grain bin inventory levels
24/7 Live Inventory. Detects drops and new grain added across the bin
Auto Tickets. Generates bushel estimate change ticket for each level change sensed
Reconcile Loads. Edit each ticket with exact bushel amount and grain moisture + quality
The most advanced grain automation stack ever built

Energy Tracking. Real-time current monitoring on the fan. Auto tally of KwH & annual $ spend

Fan Event Log. Every fan run is tracked (manual ones too) and logged alongside the weather of each event

Smart Table. See all of your bins in one aggregated home view. Toggle by CO2 risk and fan run events

Weekly Email. You’ll get an automated email report of all your grains' metrics on the day/time of your choosing

Custom Alerts. Text and push notifications for CO2 Alerts, Inventory changes, Fan on/offs

Multi-Users. Invite users to bin. Each has separate account/app to set own Alert preferences

All-the-Brands. Seamless experience for every bin make and model. Works on old & new fan setups

Connectivity Built-in. Hassle free internet. No wifi/hotspots. Auto connects to strongest carrier

Made-to-Order. Kits include tailored instructions & come with all items required for self-installation

Powered by the industry’s category-creating hardware

The only no-cables
automation experience on the market